3D Dev’s

This program is in person. We provide an experience for students to create 3D virtual worlds, all while learning important skills for tomorrow’s future.


3D Dev’s takes the teacher to you! Students will use a laptop to design with Roblox Studio. Dev’s learn many types of skills:

  • 3D Modeling

  • Code

  • Scripting

  • Animations

  • Programming Logic

    Plus many more


Classes can be tailored to any schools need. Typically classes run once a week for an hour.



If your school already has devices for students to use then starting cost are very do-able, usually with little to no fundraising needed.

If your school does not have devices, we allow you to rent our devices or fundraise to own.

Typical price ranges for a program will depend on how many weeks the program is needed. $1,500 - $5,000

Devices that are compatible any laptop running Windows or macOS.

Unfortunately Chromebooks are not compatible with Roblox Studio.